With a big sigh of relief we finished our program on Friday at 5pm! The 1000 people audience that PLA projected (and scared us with) turned out to be a little over 300 but that was plenty!
Presenting to such a large group wad intimidating to me but our team had practiced a lot and we had presented this at CLA so we were pretty comfortable with the material.
The audience was very enthusiastic and created some amazing prototypes based upon their brainstorming topic "what would make library work more fun?" We gave them parameters like you can use magic and spend up to a billion dollars." 
Shortly after the program we received an email from someone who developed the Design Thinking For Libraries Toolkit www.designthinkingforlibraries.com. He had attended our program and said "I attended your session at PLA in Denver and found it well done. I love the interactivity and then sharing lessons learned." He also asked for our feedback in order to improve the toolkit which made me very proud of our team's work.
I was pretty anxious leading up to this program. But, once we started, all that went away. I think part of it was how relaxed and fun our program is. Being silly "prototyping" with Margaret somehow then makes speaking to 300+ people so much easier.