Monday, April 11, 2016

The Visible Library: exposing collections through linked data

Denver Public Library, Anythink Libraries, Edmonton Public Library and Worthington Ohio Libraries are embarking on a new way to get their holdings out front on the Web. They are using a service called Zepheria which converts MARC records into something called a Bibframe, which allows the item record to show up in web searches. This program was more techy than I could comprehend but from what I understood, this is something very new and when someone questioned the cost of the conversion, the panelists were very vague so I suspect this is pricey.
Worthington Public Library's pilot project in 2015 - 102,170 records genererated 500,000 Bibframe resources and by July 2015 335,000 MARC records produced 1,600,000 Bibframe records.
Each library seemed thrilled with the conversion but the impact remains to be seen.

I did a little test and typed in Google "Harry Potter book Denver" and the library's catalog link was #6.  I did the same for Harry Potter book Rancho Cucamonga" and the top result was Barnes and Noble..

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