All of us are here for the opening session with Anderson Cooper as he talks about his new book, The Rainbow Comes and Goes. The book is a series of letters with his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt. A little background: Cooper's father died when he was 10 years old and he had always hoped his dad had written him a letter explaining his life - but there was no letter. Since Cooper's mother is 91, he decided to have a new kind of conversation with her in order to learn about things in her life that were difficult to talk about. Using email, he and his mother set aside past roles and he asked her questions about her life. Those emails were published in the book.
He also helped produce an HBO documentary about his mother's life called Nothing Left Unsaid. This will come out sometime this month.
As expected, Anderson Cooper is witty and full of energy. An inspiring talk!
Cooper was fascinating to listen to! I did not know much about him and knew nothing about his family. Aside from his interesting personal life he made a great point about the importance of stories, our family stories, and how they connect to us as part of our stories. He talked about the importance of libraries and of librarians a the keeper of stories and protectors of our culture. Definitely a nice go boost to hear about what a great and important job we do.