Sunday, April 10, 2016

Hospitality: the essential ingredient

This was one of my favorite programs: a conversation between a library director and a restaurant owner/chef.  The director asked the questions and the chef provided the following answers:

*What is hospitality?  The emotion, intent, desire to help someone.

*How does it differ from customer service?  Customer service is the "black and white platform" that we build hospitality upon.  Hospitality is much more connected to emotion.  It's knowing someone is on your side.  (Wow!! Are we at the library on our patrons' sides?)

*How do you recognize hospitality?  It's an ease, greeting, warm, friendly, makes us want to stay, you feel connected and well taken care of.  It's a good feeling that stays with you when you leave the place.

*How do you find the right people to provide hospitality?  Look for happy people. Ask them what they enjoy, what makes them happy?  How they answer is all important: empathetic, lack of ego, strive for excellence, want to make people's days better.

*How do you provide feedback?  Coach staff in the moment.  Provide constant gentle feedback. It takes courage and humanity to have these conversations.  Know what outcome you're looking for.  Work on problems, don't just talk about them.

*What can libraries do to build hospitality?  Have passion about your products.  Make staff your magical component.  Put heart into the library.  Stay connected to the "why"!!

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